October 2021 Newsletter
Juma, a young Muslim man from Sambwe, recently gave his life to Jesus. Please pray that he will become a disciple who seeks to reach his village for Jesus.
This young woman is showing off a beautiful dress that she made from scratch. Thanks to your donations, she is learning a trade that will change her life.
We are so excited to share with you that we, ‘Unreached 4K,’ are ‘officially’ a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our board members met on Sunday, September 12th and unanimously approved our by-laws, mission statement, and corporation paperwork. We are so thankful to DWMI for allowing us to fall under their ministry the past year but now we have the ability to accept checks and other funds donated directly to ‘Unreached 4K.’ The benefits of being a recognized non-profit are many: donations are tax-deductible, lower postage rates, the ability to apply for government and private grants, many stores provide discounts, it gives more credibility and provides confidence to donors that the funds are used properly. A big THANKS to all of you who have been supporting us in making God’s name great in Bombo, Uganda and to the many unreached people groups around the world using our social media ads.
On another note, Gary Burkett, Joe Nail, and myself will be leaving for a 2-week mission in Uganda on November 15th visiting Pastor Karim and his family, encouraging their churches, assisting with a ‘Discipleship Conference,’ and visiting hospitals, prisons, and villages. We will be taking much needed supplies such as projectors and flash-drives to show the ‘Jesus Film’ in local villages, children’s discipleship material, audio Bibles, books, and much more. After nearly two years since our last visit, we are so excited to visit with our brothers and sisters in Christ who are planting churches and making disciples throughout Bombo, Uganda.
The ‘Bunyaga Community Sewing Training Center’ had a special day for the women to show off dresses and other clothing that they have made. They are all so excited that they are being trained by a professional seamstress, learning on some of the best sewing and embroidery machines available, and learning a trade in which they will be able to help support their families. They will be graduating at the end of November and receiving a certificate of completion that they will proudly display for all to see.
Now that the COVID lockdown has been eased in Uganda, church meetings, discipleship classes, and leadership training have resumed as well as travel between villages. ‘God’s love’ beauty shop has opened back up for business at a new location with the women braiding and plating hair and selling beauty products. Brenda is continuing to teach reading and writing to the women of the village using the New Testament as well as teaching up to 30 children in her Sunday School class each week. The Lord is moving in great ways in Bombo and it’s exciting to be a part of it.
The ‘Pro-Create’ concrete business just opened on Monday, September 27 on the main road in Bombo, Uganda. This business is just one more way that we can help new MBBs (Muslim Background Believers) to support their families with life’s necessities. When a Nubian Muslim decides to follow Christ, they are typically kicked out of their village, disowned by their family, and fired from their job. The church then reaches out to adopt them as family and help them find a way to support them and their family. For the women, we helped them by starting a beauty shop and a sewing center, but for the men there was nothing…until Pastor Karim suggested a concrete business. This endeavor will provide for 4 to 5 men to work every day, make enough money to provide for their families, and even share the Good News of Jesus with customers and those passing by. What a great ministry it is, and it now belongs to them. We helped rent the land for one year and purchase the equipment and supplies and now it is theirs to carry on, thanks to your support.
Facebook Ministry Outreach
The ‘Jesus Film’ was sent out four (4) times to (UPG’s) since the last newsletter:
Al Bahah, Saudi Arabia in Urdu – 14,214 reached, 288 engagements, 50 reactions, 177 link clicks, 1 comment, 0 shares
Kabul, Afghanastan in Farsi– 131,802 reached, 1,972 engagements, 159 reactions, 1,808 link clicks, 3 comments, 2 share
Frankfurt, Germany in Turkish– 5,770 reached, 147 engagements, 47 reactions, 93 link clicks, 5 comments, 2 shares
Beirut, Lebanon in Arabic– 58,720 reached, 1,834 engagements, 544 reactions, 1,221 link clicks, 43 comments, 24 shares
Joe Nail and I meet with Pastor Karim every Friday at 12 noon (EST) through Zoom to discuss the ministry’s outreach, various needs, and prayer requests. Please feel free to join us on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86186953391?pwd=UEFycHF2ZlQxTE93RnpxUUViVlcxQT09
Meeting ID: 861 8695 3391 Passcode: Mile21
PRAYER REQUESTS: Please pray for Pastor Karim and Brenda as they are expecting their third child, ‘Abundance,’ in November, while we are visiting. Also, please pray for two Nubians who are considering the cost of following Jesus, Badiru’s sister, Shakira, and a villager named Ibrahim. We are praying for the new fellowship in Sambwe which now has about 17 members. They will be needing land and a church building to meet in soon. Please pray for the village of Kawala. Now that a person of peace has been found and fellowship has begun, we are praying for many in the village to follow Christ.
Unreached 4K is a ministry that is serving the Lord Jesus by reaching the unreached one tribe at a time. We are assisting the church in Bombo, Uganda to take the Good News of Jesus to 38,000 Nubians as well as sending the ‘Jesus Film’ around the world to unreached people groups through Facebook Ads.
If you would like us to come and speak to your church, Sunday School class, life group, prayer group, or bible study, simply send us an email and we will make the arrangements and put you on the calendar.
To make a tax-deductible donation, please make check payable to ‘unreached4k’ Mailing Address – 4713 Railroad Ave. Louisville, KY 40258.
Unreached 4K, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please visit our website to learn more: Unreached4k.com