The idea for ‘Unreached4K’ came about in 2018 after I began researching Unreached People Groups (UPG’s) from the Joshua Project and discovered that there were 4,594 UPG’s in our world today in need of the gospel of Jesus Christ (if we count every unreached group just once). My love for missions began in 2005 with several trips to Honduras with friends from my local church carrying out various projects, leading Men’s Conferences, and ‘chipping in’ to help any way that I could. I had also traveled to Cambodia several times as well as a trip to Peru with the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary to learn Chronological Bible Storying. In 2015, I found myself in India with my good friend Gary Burkett of Kanisa’s Call Ministry where we were assisting local pastors and church planters in New Delhi and the Punjab. In 2016 I traveled to Tororo, Uganda with Brother Gary ministering to several local churches with Liberty Ministry and in 2018 I began researching the Joshua Project’s website to locate a UPG in Uganda. As it turned out, our travels to Tororo each trip took us very near a people group called the ‘‘Nubians’’ of Bombo, 39,000 Muslims with zero evangelistic outreach. I began Googling and looking on Facebook, of all places, to find out more about this group of people in need of Christ and discovered a national church planter who was planting churches in that area. In the Spring of 2019 I had the opportunity to meet this pastor, see his work, and get to know this former Muslim who has a heart to reach his people for Christ. I then began supporting him monthly and helping him raise funds for special projects. In December 2019, my friend Joe Nail and I spent nearly a week with this church planter and both agreed that this was the man we were called to support. Since that time, we helped him to purchase land and build 2 churches, dig water wells at the churches, secure a beauty shop for the women of the church to become self-sufficient, start a sewing center, and purchase a brick making business so that many in the village could learn a trade and work to support their families. More recently, we have begun supporting another church planter who has been given the title of ‘Unreached4K’ Uganda director/coordinator. He has helped us plant 3 churches near Bombo, Uganda and oversees; Cornerstone Baptist Church in Kibajjwe, Bembe Baptist Church in Bembe, and New Life Baptist church in Ndejje. He is a graduate of Uganda Baptist Seminary and trains our pastors and leaders in preaching, teaching, counseling, evangelism and outreach, and makes sure everything is operating accordingly. Our goal is to reach the Nubians for Jesus, help our brothers and sisters in Christ to become self-sufficient, and most importantly, bring glory and honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Join me as we prayerfully support this church planter and his team as they seek to reach the Nubians of Bombo, Uganda.
C. Grant Logsdon