June 2022 Newsletter
Bombo Mission Update
Thanks to your faithful donations, the Sambwe Community Church construction is now complete and Pastor Badiru and Sister Harriett are leading their small congregation in energetic worship, powerful preaching, biblical teaching, and making disciples who will soon go into the surrounding villages and plant other churches. The church building was completed the first week of April and as soon as they moved in their chairs, podium, and PA system, they began meeting for services and fellowship immediately.
On Saturday, May 14, the Sambwe Church had their one-year celebration since they began gathering at a small store-front about a mile away. The entire village was invited to the celebration and even the Muslim village chief came, yes, miracles do happen in Uganda. There was powerful preaching and singing, testimonies from church members, speeches from village representatives, and of course, lots of food. Our prayer is that this church will show the love of Christ to this Muslim village and many will come and hear the Good News and follow Jesus as Lord and Savior.
With the coming of springtime in Bombo comes evangelistic crusades. Bunyaga Community Church held their annual three-day crusade April 14-16 and three people from the village gave their lives to Jesus. There was singing, preaching, and lots of food for all who came to hear about the good news of Jesus. They also showed the ‘Jesus Film’ in the Luganda language to the community when the sun went down.
The Sambwe Community Church held their annual three-day crusade at the soccer field on April 21-23. Three people in that village also became followers of Jesus and will soon be baptized and discipled. Pastor Karim had to get permission to use the soccer field from the Muslim village chief who was, strangely enough, honored to help them.
Since the village of Sambwe is located deep into ‘the uttermost parts of the Earth,’ they do not have electricity. That problem is easily solved with the addition of a solar panel system. Two solar panels on the roof supply electricity to a set of batteries which send electricity to a light on each outside wall of the church and several lights inside so that they will be able to read God’s word and fellowship after the sun goes down…about 6:50 every night.
About a month ago, I began thinking of how we could show the love of Christ to the little hospital in the village of Sambwe. I got in touch with SOS International here in Louisville and found out that they would be happy to donate about 100 pounds of medical equipment and supplies for us to take to Sambwe in July. The cost was $100 per 50 pounds which was incredible, especially since I found out that they were giving us several thousands of dollars’ worth of items the hospital desperately needed. According to sister Brenda, the ‘in-charge’ nurse at the hospital, Mukasa Krystal, said they have very little medical equipment and basic supplies, they are even out of antibiotics and pain medicine. Thanks to a retired nurse, Sharon, who volunteers her time at the non-profit, we were able to get 4 full boxes of medical equipment and supplies such as stethoscopes, oxygen readers, blood pressure devices, electronic thermometers, bandages, scissors, and a whole lot more.
SOS International is a local non-profit that works to recover and redistribute surplus medical supplies to those around the world who are in desperate need. They partner with foreign governments, NGO’s, and non-profits, like ours, to distribute these much needed supplies to hospitals and clinics in over 106 countries.
‘Godly Seed Nursey and Primary School’ in the village of Sambwe is getting closer to becoming a reality. The architect has drawn up the plans and is now in the process of calculating the cost for constructing this 4-building complex where over 200 children, primarily from Muslim homes, will come to learn about Jesus, the Savior of the world. Our plans are to construct one building at a time and expand as the Lord supplies the funding. Remember, to reach this Muslim village for Jesus we must show the love of Christ by supplying fresh water through a water well, providing a quality education for their children, and generously giving the local hospital medical equipment and supplies that they are lacking.
Ukraine Mission Update
Most of you are probably unaware that we have begun supporting a dear pastor friend in the Ukraine, Brother Paul Dudka. Since Russia invaded the Ukraine, on February 24, 2022, the country has been in Chaos. Instead of fleeing the country, Pastor Paul Dudka, along with his wife and 3 boys, decided to stay and minister to his congregation as well as the hundreds of refugees who have been passing through his city of Vizhnitsa, in Southwest Ukraine. (500 miles from Odessa and 750 miles from Mariupol). Brother Dudka pastors Revival Baptist Church, as well as 4 other church plants in the area, and also teaches at the Baptist Theological Institute.
Since the war began, he has taken in over 100 refugees in his church basement as well as several in his home. These refugees need food, water, clothing, and daily necessities since everything they owned has been destroyed in the fighting. The Lord Jesus has blessed us at this time so that we can be a blessing to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are experiencing total devastation through acts of war. Please continue to pray for Pastor Paul, his family, his church, and his ministry to the refugees of Ukraine.
‘A Call to Follow Jesus’ - Jesus never called anyone to become a ‘Christian’ or join a church, as important as this may be, He called people to ‘follow Him.’ When a Rabbi in the first century called someone to follow him, it was truly an honor and it meant that they were going to, and eagerly so, forsake everything and spend time with their teacher: talk like their teacher, walk like their teacher, and love like their teacher. For the disciples, it meant that they were willing to walk away from all they had, even their family, and follow their master and teacher, Jesus. The call is the same for us today, Jesus wants us to ‘follow Him,’ forsake all and talk like Him, walk like Him, and love like Him. I must ask myself, am I talking like Jesus whose first recorded words in the gospels were, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15) Am I sharing the gospel with those in my neighborhood, my family, and my co-workers calling them to repent and believe in the gospel? I must ask myself, am I walking like Jesus who healed the lepers, opened the eyes of the blind, cast out demons, and cared for the outcast? Am I visiting my sick friends, the elderly, the outcast, and praying for them, seeking to meet their needs…as my own? I must ask myself, do I love others like Jesus loved by taking time to minister to them as in the case of a Samaritan woman, explaining how to be ‘born again’ to a religious leader under the cover of darkness, and showing compassion to the multitudes who were like sheep without a shepherd? We live in a society that says to live a Christian life is this; just believe in Jesus, go to church on Sunday, and try to live a good life, and you will have treasure in Heaven. That’s not what Jesus said! He said, ‘repent and believe,’ ‘deny yourself,’ take up your cross,’ and ‘follow me.’ My prayer is that each and every one of us would follow Jesus like this.
Mark 8:34-38 And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 35 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it. 36 For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? 37 For what can a man give in return for his soul? 38 For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”
- July 7-22, 2022 – Gary Burkett, Mickey Jones, Ed Young, and myself will be traveling to Uganda to begin making plans for ‘Godly Seed Nursery and Primary School,’ taking medical supplies, helping lead a discipleship conference in Sambwe, as well as assisting Kanisa’s Call in ministering in Tororo (Eastern Uganda).
- October 5-20, 2022 – Brother Gary Burkett and myself will be traveling to Indonesia to minister with Pastor Yoel Sukardi on the island of Ambon where there are 4 unreached people groups who need to hear the gospel of Jesus.
- December 1-15, 2022 – You are invited to join us as we travel to Bombo, Uganda to fellowship and minister with our ministry partner, ‘Godly Seed Ministry.’ The cost will be about $2,500-$2,700 for airfare, hotel, travel, and food though it could change anytime based on the increasing costs of airfare. We are hoping to carry out a medical camp in the village of Sambwe so if you are a nurse or doctor, please consider joining us. Please contact me if you are interested in participating.
Facebook Ministry Outreach
The ‘Jesus Film’ was sent out four (4) times to (UPG’s) since the last newsletter:
Mogadishu, Somalia - Somali – 64,246 reached, 2,054 engagements, 82 reactions, 1,963 link clicks, 3 comment, 4 shares
Mitsamihouh, Comoros - Comorian – 17,796 reached, 1,114 engagements, 136 reactions, 971 clicks, 3 comment, 1 share
Mawlamyine, Myanmar - Mon – 57,152 reached, 1,340 engagements, 75 reactions, 1,261 link clicks, 2 comments, 1 share
Muscat, Oman - Arabic – 49,904 reached, 876 engagements, 204 reactions, 635 link clicks, 15 comments, 22 shares
Joe Nail, Ed Young, and myself meet with Pastor Karim every Friday at 12 noon (EST) through Zoom to discuss the ministry’s outreach, various needs, and prayer requests. Please feel free to join us on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86186953391?pwd=UEFycHF2ZlQxTE93RnpxUUViVlcxQT09
Meeting ID: 861 8695 3391 Passcode: Mile21
PRAYER REQUESTS: Please pray for Pastor Karim and Brenda as they lead the Bunyaga Church in reaching out to nearby villages to proclaim the Good News of Jesus. Also, please pray for Badiru and Harriett as they lead the Sambwe Church in reaching their Muslim village for the Savior. Pray for our upcoming trips to be productive in bringing glory to God by sharing the gospel, meeting the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ, and reaching the lost. Please pray for Pastor Paul Dudka as he ministers to the hundreds of refugees in Ukraine and pray that the war would end soon. Finally, please pray for funds to build the ‘Godly Seed Nursery and Primary School’ in Sambwe for the 200 children of the village.
Unreached 4K is a ministry that is serving the Lord Jesus by reaching the unreached one tribe at a time. We are presently working with ministry partners in Bombo, Uganda to take the Good News of Jesus to 38,000 Nubians as well as sending the ‘Jesus Film’ around the world to unreached people groups through Facebook Ads.
To make a tax-deductible donation by credit card, please visit the donation page of our website. You can also send a check payable to ‘unreached4k’ to, 4713 Railroad Ave. Louisville, KY 40258.
Unreached 4K, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please visit our website to learn more: Unreached4k.com