April 2022 Newsletter
Pastor Karim and Brenda send their greeting from the Bunyaga Community Church while our newest pastor, Badiru and his wife Harriett, send their blessings from the Sambwe Community Church…and future home of the Sambwe Primary School. The ministry is now reaching more and more villages with the Gospel of Jesus with weekly visits, outreach events, and two crusades scheduled for April. The new water well in Sambwe is already up and running providing fresh water in this village just on the outskirts of Bombo, where villagers can come and get physical water every morning as well as living water that only Jesus can give. This is a 50’ deep, hand dug, water well that was provided by your donations.
Also, the Sambwe Community Church building is nearly finished and will soon be full of believers praising the name of our King Jesus, singing and dancing, preaching the word, and training disciples to go out and make disciples. If the Lord supplies the funding, or should I say when the Lord supplies the funding, we plan to build a school on the 2-acre property in Sambwe where more than 200 children, primarily from Muslim homes, will be able to come and get a quality education and learn the truth of Jesus (Isa in the Quran): that He is the one who died for their sins, rose from the dead, and offers all men eternal life in Christ if they will repent and place their faith and trust in Him alone. Jesus said to Thomas, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the father except through me.” (John 14:6)
On Saturday, March 5th, the Bunyaga Community Church hosted its second annual Ministers Retreat for pastors and church leaders from the village of Bunyaga and the surrounding area. Pastor Karim led the retreat to equip the nearly 30 ministry partners in preaching God’s word, training others how to make disciples, and how to plant churches in neighboring villages. Discipleship is the key to reaching the Nubians for Christ because churches are born through disciples, like you and me, taking the gospel message from village to village. Please pray for these leaders, that God would give them a passion to reach their neighbors, family, and villages with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
A major stumbling block that we have encountered in our partnership with Pastor Karim has been getting funding and support to him safely as well as working out the many legal aspects of purchasing property and establishing a legitimate church. To solve this problem, Pastor Karim has recently applied for non-profit charitable status in Uganda so that he will be able to carry out ministry in and around Bombo much easier and with less difficulties from the government and local village leaders. It will also help us in sending funds directly from our non-profit in the U.S. to his non-profit in Uganda. Our ministry funds will not be seized by the bank or the government anymore which causes many delays, a lot of red tape, and a great deal of paperwork. His organization was originally going to be called, ‘Community Churches Uganda,’ but since most of the officials that will be approving his paperwork are Muslims, he thought it best to leave out any word that would connect it to the Christian faith. As of now, the name will be ‘COMMUNITY OUTREACH MINISTRIES’ (the phrase ‘Taking Christ to Communities’ would only be on the logo) but it must go through the legal process first. Please pray that all the paperwork goes through without any hold-ups or delays.
On Saturday, March 19th, the Sambwe Community Church conducted its first baptism service on their new location with 5 members participating. This is a major step for a Nubian Muslim because baptism is an outward sign that they are no longer following Islam but are now following Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Pastor Karim shared a very interesting story of the woman dressed in blue whose name is Dorine. She is the wife of the local witch doctor and came to the crusade they held last year in April 2021 and gave her life to Jesus. After her husband saw the difference in her life, he allowed her to attend the Sambwe church that has been meeting in a local store front. The son of the witch doctor was demon possessed and running wild, so, after seeing the change in his wife, he allowed her to take the son with her to the Sambwe fellowship where he was freed from the unclean spirits. Now, both the witch doctor’s wife and son are following Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Every Thursday, Pastor Karim and Brenda, as well as several from the Bunyaga Community Church, Charles and Shamim in particular, are going to Kawala, a village influenced and controlled by witchcraft, to preach the gospel message and share testimonies to the community. They have found a ‘person of good will’ (a person that is not a follower of Jesus yet is typically curious about other religious beliefs) who has opened her front yard to them to share their messages of hope through a cordless PA system that was purchased last year during the pandemic. When one of the villagers becomes a follower of Jesus, they become a ‘person of peace,’ a person who will allow weekly bible studies in their home where neighbors, friends, and family can come and listen to God’s word and ask questions about the Christian faith.
As with all growing ministries, opposition comes in various ways. On Tuesday night, March 22nd, someone took a garden implement and put it through the iron bars on the window of the Bunyaga church office and pulled the pastor’s desk towards the opening. They then reached in and pulled his computer and monitor through the opening of the bars and escaped with a valuable piece of church equipment. Though its sad to hear of someone breaking into the church, it is to be expected from those in opposition to the Christian faith. Satan roams about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy, but praise the Lord Jesus, our treasures are not of this world but in the souls of men and women and boys and girls who give their lives to the only one who can offer hope and peace. Amen.
On a brighter note, Pastor Karim has been able to visit several local secondary schools, Christian AND Muslim, where he is able to tell them of the good news of Jesus and challenge students who are believers to share their faith boldly. It is a little difficult for us in the states to understand how a Christian pastor can be invited into the classroom of a Muslim school to share the gospel of Jesus, but things are quite different in Bombo. Pastor Karim is a former Muslim and his name, Karim Kateregga, is a name that carries a lot of status in Islam…even though he is a Christian. They are presently visiting 4 different secondary schools: Standard High School, Bombo Secondary School, Bombo Army Secondary, and Shanam High School. Recently, while visiting Bombo Secondary School, a Muslim school, 11 young people gave their lives to Jesus and 5 of them were Muslim, AMEN. Please pray that the Lord will speak to the hearts of these students, and many more will come to know the Savior…and those who are followers of Jesus will begin boldly sharing their faith with other students and teachers.
It is our prayer and dream that the village of Sambwe and the 200 children in need of a quality education, a quality Christian education, will soon have their own primary school near the Sambwe Community Church. A primary school in Uganda includes grades K through 6 so we will need a lot of equipment and supplies such as desks, chalk boards, and computers for the teachers as well as much, much more. We are praying for the funds to come in so that we will be able to start construction this summer. It may seem like a big undertaking but with God, the God who spoke the universe into existence, all things are possible, and He will provide what is needed to reach these children and this village for the Savior.
On May 30, 1792, William Carey was preaching a message at the Baptist Association Meeting at Friar Lane Baptist Church in Nottingham, England when he said, “Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.” That quote reflects his 41 years of missionary work in India, without one single furlough by the way, because he expected God to do great things among the 169 million Hindi of his day. Because of his work, the bible was translated into Bengali, Oriya, Marathi, Hindi, Assamese, and Sanskrit as well as 29 other languages and dialects, many churches and schools were founded, and many of the inhumane practices of Hinduism were abolished.
Facebook Ministry Outreach
The ‘Jesus Film’ was sent out four (4) times to (UPG’s) since the last newsletter:
Al Hudaydah, Yemen - Arabic– 27,336 reached, 588 engagements, 55 reactions, 531 link clicks, 2 comment, 0 shares
Baydhabo, Somalia - Maay– 9,576 reached, 343 engagements, 31 reactions, 310 link clicks, 1 comment, 0 shares
Taipei, Taiwan - Mandarin– 11,084 reached, 449 engagements, 182 reactions, 256 link clicks, 10 comments, 1 share
Phnom Penh, Cambodia-Cham– 55,438 reached, 3,015 engagements, 128 reactions, 2,872 link clicks, 6 comments, 9 shares
Joe Nail and I meet with Pastor Karim every Friday at 12 noon (EST) through Zoom to discuss the ministry’s outreach, various needs, and prayer requests. Please feel free to join us on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86186953391?pwd=UEFycHF2ZlQxTE93RnpxUUViVlcxQT09
Meeting ID: 861 8695 3391 Passcode: Mile21
PRAYER REQUESTS: Please pray for the upcoming crusades: April 14-16 at the Bunyaga Church and April 21-23 at the soccer field near the new Sambwe Church. Please pray for the weekly outreach every Thursday in the village of Kawala where Pastor Karim, Brenda, Charles, and Shamim share the good news of Jesus through preaching and personal testimonies. Also, pray that the Lord would raise up leaders among the young believers in the secondary schools that they are visiting. Finally, please pray for funds to build the Christian school in Sambwe for the 200 children of the village.
Unreached 4K is a ministry that is serving the Lord Jesus by reaching the unreached one tribe at a time. We are presently working with ministry partners in Bombo, Uganda to take the Good News of Jesus to 38,000 Nubians as well as sending the ‘Jesus Film’ around the world to unreached people groups through Facebook Ads.
To make a tax-deductible donation by credit card, please visit the donation page of our website. You can also send a check payable to ‘unreached4k’ to, 4713 Railroad Ave. Louisville, KY 40258.
Unreached 4K, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please visit our website to learn more: Unreached4k.com