November 2019 Newsletter
A Big, Big thank you to Mackville Christian Church. After my visit on the IDOP, November 3rd, I received a message from my pastor in Bombo, Uganda sharing his excitement for their upcoming crusade, a crusade in the midst of 36,000 Muslims. Pastor Karem told me of his plans and asked for prayer to meet their needs; cases of bibles, more plastic chairs, and food for the crusade…a lot of food. I asked brother Karem how much all of this would cost and his answer was exactly, exactly the amount that Mackville Christian Church gave me to support this project in Bombo, $500. It always amazes me just how our God will provide for His work among the nations.
Showing the Jesus Film in Lugandan, the trade language of Bombo.
Many from the village of Buyego coming to the crusade.
I will be visiting Bombo December 10-12 to help with a teaching conference and distribute supplies. Because of your generosity, I will be able to take an HP laptop and printer for Pastor Karem to better communicate with us, keep track of the ministries, and create a local newsletter for his churches in Buyego and Bunyaga. Again, I sincerely want to thank each of you for your donations, support, and prayers for this ministry in Bombo, Uganda which is bringing many to Christ, many who are trapped in a false religion, worshipping a false god, and demoralizing women and children.