February 2023 Newsletter
On December 16, 2022, after a lot of discussions about ministry and church planting, as well as a few Zoom meetings, ‘Unreached4K’ has officially brought Brother Stanley Kwagalana on board as our newest church planter in Bombo, Uganda. Brother Stanley is a pastor, church planter, and missionary at heart who has previously planted 4 churches in Uganda and has now within the last month, planted a new church, ‘Cornerstone Baptist Church,’ in Kibajjwe Village, north of Bombo, which, by the way, already has more than 35 people from the village in attendance every Sunday. This village was in dire need of the gospel and it is truly a miracle of God that led brother Stanley to Kibajjwe. Previously, we have been supporting Pastor Karim Kateregga for more than 3 years and he has planted two churches in southern Bombo, Bunyaga Community Church and Sambwe Community Church, dug 2 water wells for the villages, and started 3 businesses which are used to raise extra funds for his ministry. We have also assisted him in gaining his official non-profit status, ‘Godly Seed Ministries’ so we have now released him to carry out ministry on his own. Our goal is never to enable a church planter or ministry partner to depend upon us for long-term financial support but to help them gain their independence and become self-supportive. We are so grateful for Pastor Karim and his family and pray that many would come to follow Jesus because of his ministry.
On January 26th, Joe Nail, Ed Young, and myself began a long journey around the world back to Bombo, Uganda to meet Brother Stanley, his family, and his team of volunteer leaders, men and women from his former churches who voluntarily came from near and far, to assist in getting this new church plant started. One of our goals for this trip was to spend quality time in fellowship with his family as well as the leaders of his church, our brothers and sisters in Christ. We ate every meal together, that was graciously prepared by his wife Agnes, at their rental house about a mile from the church and spent many hours discussing ministry, family, culture, and faith. Brother Stanley’s family are all dedicated to giving up all they have for the sake of the gospel, leaving everything behind to go to a new village and plant a church where there is none.
Stanley’s family: son Victor, daughter Victoria, son David, wife Agnes, Stanley, and daughter Shalom.
Church volunteer staff: Eric, Loy, Julius, Charles, and Stanley (Augustine, the music leader was out of town)
On Sunday, we gathered for worship and there were more than 40 villagers present with dozens of children for the children’s church across the dirt road at a rental house, led by Stanley’s wife Agnes and Loy who is actually a school teacher. During worship, we all sang several praise and worship songs ‘a cappella’ since there was no power in the church yet, and afterwards, Joe, Ed, and myself were each given the honor to share from the word of God. Brother Ed, who has a passion to see people from all over the world come to love and follow Jesus, shared from his favorite book in the bible, Revelation. He talked about how Heaven will be the eternal home of all who follow Jesus as Lord and Savior and that they will spend eternity in the very presence of their creator. Brother Joe, who has the gift of evangelism, spoke on what it means to be born-again from John chapter 3 and how most people will claim to be ‘good,’ yet according to God’s definition of good, moral perfection in word and deed, all fall very short and must realize that we are all sinners in dire need of a savior. For someone to be born-again means that they have a change of heart, a spiritual transformation that can only come from God when one repents and places their faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. I then spoke on the cost of discipleship from Mark chapter 8 where Jesus had taken his disciples to Caesarea Philippi and asked them, “who do YOU say that I am?” and that’s when Peter said ‘you are the Christ.’ The disciples finally understood that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah but they still struggled understanding that their Messiah would have to die on a cross to save them, not from Roman occupation, but save them from their sins. Then Jesus said, “if anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me.” To truly follow Jesus means that we put Him first in our lives, suffer for the sake of the gospel, if need be, and to be like Him: love like Him, speak the truth like Him, and act like Him…because He alone is worth it.
Brother Stanley Kwagalana
Another goal we had for this trip was to spend time in the village sharing the gospel of Jesus with the people, so we then spent the next 4 days with Brother Stanley and his team going door to door visiting villagers: sharing the gospel with them, inviting them to visit our new church, and praying for them. This created many interesting conversations especially since most of them have never heard the gospel, they knew the name of Jesus but they had no idea what it meant to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior and to be born-again.
On Wednesday evening, we were asked to teach the 20 to 30 villagers more about the Christian faith and how to truly follow Jesus, stories from the bible, and how we personally came to follow Jesus. On Thursday evening, we were joined by the music leader, Augustine, so we began with a time of praise and worship, singing many of our own songs in English as well as those sung in the Luganda language. We then shared more about the God who came to redeem fallen mankind from sin and death. Though it was a short visit compared to most, we had the opportunity to get to know Brother Stanley, his family, his church leaders, and his team of helpers. We heard their stories of how God has led them to this little village to be a part of making God’s name great among the nations. Please continue to pray for Cornerstone Baptist Church Kibajjwe, that many would come to truly know and follow the Lord and Savior of all who repent and believe.
Though we may not be seeing much about the Russian attack on Ukraine on the news today, the country is still being destroyed and people are suffering and dying daily. Pastor Paul Dudka of Revival Baptist Church in Vizhnitsa is still ministering to the physical needs of the people in his village and in the nearby mountains as well as sharing the good news of Jesus to the hurting and wounded. With Russia attacking the power plants throughout the country, their electricity is limited to about 2 to 4 hours per day so Joe Nail and a few others provided enough funds for Pastor Paul to purchase a generator for his home and another for the church since there are many refugee families living in the church basement. We also provide weekly financial support to meet the daily needs of the refugees and orphans as well as send funds to purchase fuel for the generators. Pastor Paul also provides wood for heat, cooking, and basic needs for those refugees and orphans in the mountainous regions nearby, and of course bibles and Christian resources. Please pray for Pastor Paul as he continues to take the gospel of Jesus to his people, even in the midst of war.
The ‘Jesus Film’ was sent out through Facebook Ads six (6) times to (UPG’s) since the last newsletter:
Mandalay, Myanmar – Burmese – 21,920 reached, 701 engagements, 72 reactions, 614 link clicks, 8 comments
Karachi, Pakistan – Urdu – 80,065 reached, 8,798 engagements, 164 reactions, 8,628 clicks, 0 comments
Bandung, Indonesia – Bahasa – 36,568 reached, 1,006 engagements, 47 reactions, 956 link clicks, 1 comment
Doha, Qatar - Arabic Standard – 29,075 reached, 1,742 engagements, 86 reactions, 1,520 link clicks, 1 comment
Mogadishu, Somalia – Somali – 69,394 reached, 4,323 engagements, 127 reactions, 3,507 link clicks, 2 comments
Kabul, Afghanistan – Dari – 98,894 reached, 4,024 engagements, 143 reactions, 3,282 link clicks, 0 comments
PRAYER REQUESTS: Please pray for our ministry partners and their work to reach the unreached peoples of our world. Also, please pray for the ‘Unreached People Groups’ above, where the ‘Jesus Film’ was sent via Facebook ads.
- Refugee and orphan support in Ukraine - $25 per month
- Bibles for new believers in Uganda - $8 each or $200 per case
- Projector to show the ‘Jesus Film’ - $165
- Water well in African village - $2,500
- Motor scooter (Boda Boda) for church planters - $1,400
- Church building in Africa - $6,000
To make a tax-deductible donation by credit card, please visit the donation page of our website. You can also send a check payable to ‘unreached4k’ to, 4713 Railroad Ave. Louisville, KY 40258.
Unreached 4K, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please visit our website to learn more: Unreached4k.com